Sciences are your path to success!


Did you know that studies show that by 2015 ca. 90% of all workplaces will require basic IT skills? As a member of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications we certainly know that and we plan to go “Back to School” from 11 to 15 March. The IT sector requires new professionals!

Currently, each year over 600 students obtain IT-related higher education. While it is sufficient to maintain the balance in the field, it is not enough to provide for any development. This is why the Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications along with its members have initiated the project “Sciences are your path to success”. The aim of this project is to increase awareness of the young people with regard to the IT. By 2020 we would like to see 50 000 IT experts or professionals with IT-related education in Estonia …

By delivering guest lectures in secondary schools all over Estonia from 11 to 15 March, we wish to demonstrate to the young people that today information technology is truly everywhere. We will also explain where it is possible to learn more about IT and will introduce career opportunities open before those trained in sciences.

The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Learn more online at and

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