We deleted 1,8 million e-mails!
Similar to the real world, in the digital world, there is a huge number of useless bits and bytes that burden the environment. It is not only keeping worthless files and photos forever, but also when we use the internet or social media, we contribute to the CO2 emissions. SK ID Solutions team is dedicated to understanding and reducing the impact of the services provided by us. To celebrate the Digital Cleanup Day, SK’s team analysed and deleted almost 300 GB of personal e-mails and files that were no longer needed.
Each year, the internet and its supporting systems produce 900 million tons of CO2, the same amount produced by the airline industry. Although the services provided by SK ID Solutions are fully digital and have lesser impact on the environment than other industries, it is important to understand the broader impact, and act accordingly. International Digital Cleanup Day is yet another perfect moment to do this.
“Last year on the Digital Cleanup Day, our teams focused on shared folders on servers, and we managed to clean hundreds of megabytes of files that had become useless and were left behind. This year, our digital cleaning centres around personal emails and documents. When we consider that each day hundreds of billions of emails produce 281 tonnes of CO2, every effort is meaningful and helps the nature. Today, we did our part, which is marginal considering the whole world, but still important and I encourage everyone to do the same on the Digital Cleanup Day on Saturday. Every deletion helps,“ said Liisa Lukin, member of board of SK ID Solutions.
A vital part of SK’s environment conscious strategy is being part of the Green Tiger Academy, which was developed in cooperation between four universities. The course teaches participants to evaluate their companies’ impact on the environment and how to decrease that impact smartly.
“Everything that we do online, increases our carbon footprint, and it is impossible to totally avoid it. But it is important to be knowledgeable of the impact of our actions and reduce it as much as possible. In addition to cleaning, it is also critical to understand that in our technology-heavy life, environment conscious behaviour starts with sending less emails and making less useless photos. Moving towards greener tomorrow is a process and not a one-time activity,” said Lukin.
During the digital cleanup, SK’s team deleted 278 GB of personal files and e-mails that had lost the importance for the people who had generated and saved them. Combined, all employees deleted 39% of data that was stored in SK’s servers, and 1,8 million emails, which is about 30% of all SK’s emails.
International Digital Cleanup Day that aims to reduce CO2 emission that is caused by digital waste, is celebrated on 19th of March.