Changes in the Time-Stamping Service


On January 3rd 2022 the SK Time-Stamping Service certificate will be updated, which will affect all the SK Time-Stamping Service users.

Schedule for changes can be found below:

Production environment changes

  • 03.01.2022, 15:00 EET new SK Time-Stamping Service certificate will be taken into use „SK TIMESTAMPING AUTHORITY 2022

New Time-Stamp Service certificate can be downloaded from the SK repository (SK TIMESTAMPING AUTHORITY 2022).

2022“ has validity period of 6 years following the “Time-Stamping Authority Practice Statement” v 6.0 (valid from 15.12.2021)

The new certificate has been added to the Trusted List (TL) since version 56, which was published on November 9, 2021.

Information systems that perform signing and signature validation operations, need to be configured to trust the new Time-Stamping Service certificate directly or trusted list (TL) needs to be updated. We highly recommend making all the necessary changes in the information systems before January 3rd, 2022. In information systems where the change is not made before 3rd of January, use of the Time-Stamping Service may be interrupted, including signing documents and validation of signatures, as well as X-Road data exchange.

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