Year 2005 at SK ID Solutions
A plebiscite is held in Tallinn at the start of the year in which, for the first time anywhere in the world, residents of the city can vote electronically. To do so they use their ID cards, which by summer have been issued to more than 800,000 people. With 751,616 being valid, this means that almost 56% of the Estonian population has an ID card.
The success of the ID card project continues, with Apollo Raamatud becoming the first company in Estonia to adopt the ID card as its loyal customer card and ML Arvutid, the largest computer manufacturer in Estonia, equipping its computers with software designed specifically for the electronic use of ID cards, including digital signatures.
The centre receives the Act of the Year award of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications in recognition of its contribution to the development of the ID ticket systems used for public transport in Tallinn and Tartu.
After successful testing, Estonia launches a pan-European digital tachograph project designed to ensure the health of drivers engaged in road haulage and promote improvements in working conditions and traffic safety. The tachograph enables the electronic recording of information on the activities of drivers and on the use of vehicles both within the device itself and on the driver’s card.
Citizens can use their ID cards to identify themselves and provide digital signatures during pre-poll voting in the local government elections in October. The world’s first e-election is a success: 9317 people vote digitally.
In 2005 as a whole, public transport users in Tallinn, Tartu and Harju County buy almost one million ID tickets.